Phil Heath

Phillip "Phil" Jerrod Heath (born December 18, 1979 in Seattle, Washington) is an American IFBB professional bodybuilder and current 2x Mr. Olympia.

Frequent eating speeds up your metabolism due to the thermic effect of food

Every physiological process that occurs in your body uses energy. Keeping your heart beating and circulating blood uses energy. Creating new body cells requires energy. So does breathing. Even thinking burns calories. Digestion is no exception. The mechanical breakdown and absorption of food requires a substantial number of calories. Some of the calories in the foods you eat are burned off just to digest them, so the net amount of calories...

Jay Cutler

Jay Cutler (born Jason Isaac Cutler August 3, 1973 in Sterling, Massachusetts) is an IFBB professional bodybuilder. He has won the title Mr. Olympia four times. - 1992 Gold Gym Worcester Bodybuilding Championships – 2nd - 1996 NPC Nationals, 2nd place Light Heavyweight (earned IFBB pro card) - 1998 IFBB Night of Champions – 11th - 1999 Arnold Schwarzenegger Classic – 4th - 1999 IFBB Ironman Pro Invitational – 3rd - 1999 Mr. Olympia – 14th -...

Is There a Role for High GI carbs for Bodybuilders and other Athletes?

After all the high GI carb bashing I just did, the reader might think there is no place for them in the bodybuilders diet. This assumption would be wrong. As the expression goes, “there is a time and place for everything” and there is one key time and place for high GI carbs, immediately following workouts. Following workouts the body preferentially shuttles glucose into the liver and muscles replacing lost glycogen via both insulin dependent...


Carbohydrates or sugars are made primarily of carbon, hydrogen and oxygen atoms that cyclize into a ring. Carbohydrates can be “simple” or “complex” by the number of rings you hook together and the way in which they hook together. Though the rings can be slightly different, their common theme is that of the ring structure as their final shape. Similar to amino acids and fats, when you link the simple units (the sugars) together you get carbohydrates...

What’s The Best Way to Lose Stubborn Belly Fat ?

Everyone wants to know how to lose fat around their abs, well, here's how I do it... The  question that is asked on all fitness sites, bodybuilding forums, magazines and late night TV infomercials sounds a lot like these: How to I lose the stubborn belly fat? How do I lose abdominal fat? How to do I get great abs? How do I lose the stomach pouch off the lower abs? These are all too common question and they are so popular that it's the...

Protein and kidney disease

At one time or another, you've probably heard the myth that high-protein diets are bad for your kidneys, they dehydrate you and cause osteoporosis. Well, here's the truth: If you have a history of kidney problems, you should avoid high-protein intakes at all costs. However, it's a medical and scientific fact that except in the case of pre-existing kidney disease, there’s no proof that a high-protein intake will cause damage to a healthy kidney....

Protein consumption as a percentage of total calories

The best (And most accurate) method for determining protein consumption is to calculate protein needs as a percentage of your total caloric intake. First, you determine your daily calorie needs based on your lean body weight.  The next step is to select the optimal percentage of calories from protein. The percentage you choose must be in line with your goals, activity requirements, body type and metabolic rate. The baseline recommendation for people who participate in cardiovascular and resistance training exercise on a regular basis...